Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

85 residents fined

Taking strict action against the people wasting water, the municipal corporation (MC) issued challans of ₹5,512 each to as many as 85 city residents, during the first week of its annual drive on Monday.
Besides this, the civic body issued notices to 382 people after inspection teams found overflowing overhead/underground tanks or leaking pipes.
“In the past week, a total of 467 violations were found by the MC teams. Of them, 85 were challaned on the spot while 382 were given notices. On checking, 10 people were found repeating the violations and thus, their notice was converted into challans”, said MC officials.
From April 15 to June 30, the MC has prohibited water wastage between 5.30 am and 9 am to conserve water during the summer months. The fines are being imposed for eight violations, including washing vehicles and courtyards, watering lawns through morning supply, using booster pumps on the main water supply line, leakage in coolers and water meters and overflow from tanks, among others.
Compared to ₹5,250 last year, this year, MC has hiked the fine by 5%. In case the fine is not paid, it will be added to the water bill.
